Wednesday, March 5, 2008

I got carded!

Generally when people get carded you generally get one of two responses:

Men: "I'm a 40 year old with three days of stubble and a beer gut older than the little punk who just asked to see my ID"

Women: "Woohoo! He still thinks I look like younger than 21." (Sidebar: He doesn't really think that - he's fishing for a bigger tip)

Anyway, that's not where this was intended to go, so I digress.

I was in Office Max the other day and as I was checking out I was asked to present my ID.

I know what you're thinking "Wow! I can by beer and wine at Office Max now! Sweet! I can fully stock my personal business with every office supply known to man and then drink myself into oblivion when it all goes belly up! One stop shopping at its finest - BRILLIANT!" Unfortunately, that's not it at all. Apparently alcohol is not the only thing you get carded for nowadays.

As I stood there in line with my wife of almost 7 years, and my four year old daughter to purchase a new phone, some CD's, some book ends and a frame, some middle-aged, putz-ass district regional sub-level associate afternoon manager in charge of bagging shit and taking money wanted to see my license because you now need to be 18 to buy cans of compressed air to clean your computer equipment.

I think this guy just made my King of the Douche bags list! Jackass...


Jenn said...

you apparently haven't read up on the things kids now a days can do with office supplies... Mark and I both worked at office max... you have to also supply a ID if you want to by a postage scale.... which can also be used to weigh out your weed....

Leann said...

OMG I'm dying over here laughing - and now the coughing...

Thanks Paul (and Jenn) for the giggles!

kimw said...

I JUST TODAY saw your comment to my blog. Yeah. Just goes to show how often I go there these days! As always, thanks for the laugh. Good to hear from you.